About DCBA
The Downtown Charleston Business Association (DCBA) brings together downtown businesses in a unified effort to promote and strengthen the local economy while maintaining our community’s artistic flair and small town charm.
We are a coalition dedicated to community goodwill and the further development and marketing of Downtown Charleston as a shopping, tourism and dining location.
The Downtown Charleston Business Association believes there are challenges that are unique to businesses in the area. There are also opportunities. The DCBA is working to meet those challenges and take advantage of every opportunity available.
Downtown Charleston is already a great place to work, live and play. This is evident in the new and existing stores, coffee houses, restaurants and entertaiment establishments that have made their home here. For some time now, retail-based businesses have individually staked out niches and worked to promote their products and Downtown Charleston. These businesses are a daily testament to the viability of the area.
Downtown Charleston also serves as the service / financial / business hub of West Virginia with offices supporting virtually all sectors of West Virginia’s economy. Vitality in Downtown Charleston creates opportunity and attracts new business and makes Charleston a preferred place to work and live.
The DCBA is working to sustain a dynamic, vital, and diverse community in Downtown Charleston through marketing, events, economic development, advocacy and leadership.