Why Shop Local?
Be green & penny-wise! Buy from businesses owned and managed by people who live in and care about YOUR community. Consider these facts:
– 6 cents of every dollar spent with a BIG BOX RETAILER is retained/re-circulated in a community.
Source: Rocky Mountain Institute
– 20 cents of every dollar spent with a CHAIN STORE is retained/re-circulated in a community.
Source: Small Business Administration
– 60 cents of every dollar spent with a SOLE PROPRIETOR/INDEPENDENT RETAILER is retained/re-circulated in a community.
Source: Small Business Administration
– A dollar spent at a locally-owned store is usually spent 6 to 15 times before it leaves the community. From $1, you create $5 to $14 in value within the community.
Source: Northwest Earth Institute’s Choices for Sustainable Living